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Recent work by Fleming researchers demonstrates that the histone methyltransferase Smyd3 is required for the development of experimentally induced liv …
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The study by Fleming researchers highlighted in December 2015 (Koliaraki et al., J. Exp. Med. 2015) is featured in a “News & Views” article in …
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In an invited commentary by Nature Immunology (December 2015 issue), Fleming researcher George Kollias, and John Lambris (UPenn) propose “A ‘rule …
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In a new study published in J. Exp. Med., Fleming researchers show that IKKβ deletion in ColVI-expressing intestinal mesenchymal cells protects mice …
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Fleming Researcher Prof. George Kollias has been awarded the first Galien Scientific Research Award at the  Prix Galien Greece 2015. The prize recogn …
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The Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming" is seeking independent researchers to establish their own laboratories, and Staff Scientis …
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Papanikolopoulou & Skoulakis demonstrate that Tau-mediated neuronal dysfunction and toxicity are separable and in fact neuronal dysfunction, which …
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Dr Antigone Dimas, Marie-Curie and EMBO Research Fellow at BSRC Alexander Fleming, was awarded this year’s L’Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Scie …
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Recent work by Fleming researchers indicate that in liver tumors, cancer stem cells may originate from differentiating ductal progenitors following on …
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Infrafrontier-GR/Phenotypos, the Greek Research Infrastructure for molecular and behavioural Phenotyping of biological model organisms for chronic deg …
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The Induction Ceremony for Fleming researcher, Professor George Kollias, at the Academy of Athens took place on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 (Opening Lec …
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In a study published this week in PNAS, Fleming researchers uncover a novel mechanism that exists to physiologically protect the intestinal epithelium …
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Work from Kontoyiannis Lab presented in Cell Death and Differentiation suggests that specific RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) of the Elavl family are requ …
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Work from Luca Turin, Efthimios Skoulakis and Andrew Horsfield just published in PNAS suggests that volatile anesthetics operate by perturbing the in …
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In a study published this week at the BMC Genomics journal researchers of the Division of Molecular Biology and Genetics and the FLEMING's Genomics F …
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International recognition of a molecular biology database developed in Greece. Diana-TarBase, the database of experimentally verified microRNA targets …
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This year's Carol Nachman Prize for Rheumatology was awarded to BSRC Fleming researcher, biologist Prof. Dr. George Kollias.  The Prize is one of Ger …
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The quality of the work performed at the Fleming Genomics Facility has recently been recognized in the Run RecognitION League of the Ion Community. …
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600 graduate students and postdoctoral scientists are selected worldwide after nomination from scientists of their home countries to attend the yearly …
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FLEMING joins Infrafrontier GmbH. The Center is now a Founding Member of Infrafrontier GmbH, the managing entity of the European ESFRI Infrafrastructu …
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Fleming researcher Iannis Talianidis has been elected member of Academia Europaea. Earlier this year he was elected Foreign Member of the Hungarian Ac …
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Novel osteoporosis models. In a study published this week at the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2112) the research group of E …
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Fleming researcher Prof. George Kollias has been awarded an Advanced ERC grant, to tackle the role of mesenchymal cells (MC) in intestinal homeostasis …
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Fighting cancer: FAK levels do matter. In a study published today at Nature Communication (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3020), Fleming researcher Vassiliki Kost …
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