The Imaging Unit provides expertise and state-of-the-art equipment for modern multidimensional biomedical imaging applications using modern microscopy methods, digital image processing and computational image analysis. The scientific personnel can provide expert guidance to scientists and assistance for projects requiring highly specialized image processing and analysis.
Imaging Equipment:
- Leica TCS SP8X White Light Laser confocal system
- PicoQuant FLIM system with two external APD detectors
- Zeiss LightSheet Z1 Imaging System
- AxioObserver 3 Fluorescent Microscope
- Leica DM2000 Fluorescent Microscope
- Nikon E800 upright widefield/fluorescent microscope
- Nikon TE300 widefield with Hoffman optics/ fluorescent microscope
- Nikon fluorescent stereoscope
- Leica SMZ800 fluorescent stereoscope
Imaging analysis software:
- LAS X with automatic medium-content screening, automated focus, tile and multi-position imaging and environmental control
- ZEN3 multi-channel, panorama and multi-position imaging and environmental control
- IMARIS 8 with automated detection, measurements and statistics, visualisation and group comparison, tracking in 2D/3D and lineage, Filaments and automated tracing
- SymPhoTime 64bit for FLIM analysis

The following services are available:
Services & Facilities
- High resolution dynamic fluorescent imaging in 2D and 3D
- Multi - Fluorescent Protein detection (Spectral Unmixing)
- 3D visualisation
- unlimited selection of excitation and emission wavelengths in visible light
- automated multi-position acquisition
- co-localisation and ratiometric analysis
Wide-field microscopy
- light and fluorescent imaging
- fast live cell imaging
- automated multi-position acquisition
Bone analysis
- micro-CT analysis
- Histomorphometric analysis of bone tissue
FRAP (Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching)
FRET (Fluorescent resonance energy transfer)
FLIM (Fluorescent lifetime Imaging microscopy)
Live dynamic imaging
Scientist in charge:
Contact Information
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