For optimal animal model and research

Since 2001, the Animal House of BSRC "Alexander Fleming" provides high quality breeding and experimental environment and animal models to the biomedical research community, promoting animal welfare, excellence and scientific interaction.

Health Monitoring

Veterinary Care

The Animal Facilities of BSRC "Alexander Fleming" are under a complete laboratory animal veterinary care program: Prevention, disease detection and surveillance, diagnosis (based on clinical signs and in-house diagnostic assays) and treatment, minimizing infectious agents impact on animal welfare and scientific research projects.

In-house diagnostic assays

Health Monitoring

A laboratory animal health monitoring program is established, based on FELASA recommendations. Live animals and/or animal samples are shipped to international diagnostic laboratories every 3 to 6 months for screening. Health monitoring reports of the Facilities are available upon request.

Health Monitoring Report

Contact Information

Phone Number

+30 210 9656310 (ext. 253)

BSRC "Alexander Fleming" Animal House
34 Fleming Street, 16672
Vari, Greece

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