
aniFOUND: analysing the associated proteome and genomic landscape of the repaired nascent non-replicative chromatin

A novel high-throughput methodology, aniFOUND, has been developed by Stefos, Szantai et al. from the Fousteri lab and published in Nucleic Acid Research. aniFOUND delineates the proteome composition and genome-wide distribution of the repaired newly-synthesized chromatin by integrating state-of-the-art “omics” technologies to promote a comprehensive view of their function.

In collaboration with Martina Samiotaki and the Proteomics facility of BSRC Fleming, coupling of aniFOUND to mass spectrometry provided an in-depth view of the repaired chromatin-associated proteome and revealed previously unknown players involved in the DNA Damage Response and the restoration of damaged chromatin. Establishment of a novel protocol for deep sequencing (NGS) of the repaired nascent DNA segments (aniFOUND-seq) and specific analysis pipelines, revealed their genome-wide distribution and resolved repair efficacy of the rather unexplored repeated genome; in particular, rDNA and telomeres.
