
New collaborative work between pMedGR and BSRC Alexander Fleming involving Greek SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing and assembly aims to evaluate the impact of public health measures taken against COVID-19 with respect to traveling restrictions

A new collaborative work between pMedGR and BSRC Alexander Fleming (Pavlopoulos GA, Moulos P., and Hatzis P. labs), involving Greek SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing and assembly is available online at medRxiv.  The study aims to evaluate the impact of public health measures taken against COVID-19 with respect to traveling restrictions, especially during summer.

A new collaborative work between BSRC Alexander Fleming (Pavlopoulos GA, Moulos P., and Hatzis P. labs) and the Center of New Biotechnologies & Precision Medicine of the Medical School of Athens (pMedGR), involving many Greek SARS-CoV-2 samples genome sequencing and assembly, is now available online at medRxiv. The study focuses on evaluating the impact of public health measures taken against COVID-19 with respect to traveling restrictions during the first pandemic wave. For this purpose, several Greek viral genomes were sequenced at different time periods and compared with other strains from the rest of the world. The results revealed low levels of transmission from imported cases during summer and underscore the importance of targeted public health measures that can increase the safety of international travel during a pandemic. 
