Position Archive

Part time Manager, InteGeR Marie Curie Initial Training Network (06/09/2011)

We are seeking a part time manager for the FP7 InteGeR Marie Curie Initial Training Network coordinated by BSRC Alexander Fleming. InteGeR is a research training network consisting of eight European research groups and eleven Marie Curie Fellows (www.integer-itn.eu).

Duties include managing and coordinating all activities and communications between the partners and the Fellows of the network, organization of network meetings and workshops, dissemination activities and overall support of the coordinator in his duties. Applicants must have a relevant degree, fluency in English and excellent organization, communication and interpersonal skills. Applications should be sent by September 16 to Dr. John Strouboulis, InteGeR coordinator, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.